Matthew 12:20 reads, “A bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.”
Aren’t you glad that God is a mender and not a discarder? With Him, broken lives don’t have to be the end of the story. He’s often been called the God of the “second chance.” How short-sighted is that? If we got only two chances we’d all be miserably, hopelessly lost. But instead He’s the God of the “seventy times seven”! In Greek, seven represents infinity. So He’s the God of unlimited grace.
As long as you humbly acknowledge your failure and desire to start again, He will enable you. The “reed” referred to in today’s verse is a shepherd’s makeshift flute that had withered, cracked and become worthless. The smoldering “wick” no longer gave light and was considered useless. Both represent people set aside as damaged goods and rejected by others. But Jesus is committed to mend and heal, not break or quench those who have failed.
He desires to give us a fresh start regardless of our failures. The truth is – we all fail! As Adam’s descendants, messing things up comes naturally and effortlessly to us. Abraham lied and put Sarah at risk. Jacob was a cheat and self-promoting con artist. Moses determined to do things his own way and ended up a fugitive. David was an adulterer and a conspiratorial assassin who betrayed a faithful friend. Peter turned his back on Christ.
Yet God used each of them to accomplish His will. And He will use you too because “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Romans 5:20). So you can start again.
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