Ephesians 4:22-23 reads, “Put off your former conduct and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”
Mindsets are patterns whereby your mind automatically operates a certain way. That means you can set yourself up for misery by reacting to the same people and circumstances in the same way and expecting different results. Maybe you are saying: “After all these years I thought he’d change. No matter how hard I try, my family doesn’t appreciate me. How come I’m the only one who makes an effort to stay in touch?”
It’s easy to blame your problems on other: “Look what he’s doing. Look how long I’ve waited. Why doesn’t she call?” We think the answer lies in the other person to do what we want, but that kind of thinking is self-defeating; it gives control to others. Your happiness isn’t determined by other people, even though you’ve convinced yourself it is.
An experienced counselor writes: “If you don’t like the same results, try pushing a different button. Look at your relationships. Is there a situation going downhill despite your best efforts? Are you waiting for something to change, instead of doing something different? Stop pushing the same button and ask God for clarity to see the situation honestly and to act with wisdom and responsibility.”
You’re not a victim of circumstances; you don’t have to stay stuck or keep going round in circles. Paul says, “Put off your former conduct and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” The word for you today is: you can change!
© 2017 CE