Romans 8:28 reads, “In all things God works for the good of those who love him.”
Novelist A.J. Cronin had been practicing as a physician for almost 10 years when he developed a gastric ulcer that required complete rest. So he went to a farm in the Scottish Highlands to recuperate. He says, “The first few days of leisure were pleasant enough but soon the enforced idleness of Fyne Farm became insufferable…I’d often, in the back of my mind, nursed the vague illusion that I might write.
I had actually though out the theme of a novel – the tragic record of a man’s egotism and bitter pride… Upstairs in the cold, clean bedroom was a scrubbed deal table and a very hard chair. Next morning, I found myself in this chair facing a new exercise book open on the table, slowly becoming aware that, short of Latin prescriptions, I’d never composed a significant phrase in my entire life. It was a discouraging thought as I picked up my pen. Never mind, I began.”
Even though Cronin struggled to write 500 words a day and ended up throwing his draft on the farm’s trash heap, he finished Hatter’s Castle. The book was dramatized, translated into 22 languages and sold 5 million copies. The world had lost a physician, but gained a novelist.
When God gives you a dream, sometimes the circumstances required to fulfill it won’t be to your liking. In Joseph’s case it involved betrayal and false imprisonment. But that’s what it took to get him to the throne of Egypt. So ask God today, “What are You saying, or trying to show me, in the middle of this situation?”
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