Genesis 22:16-17 reads, “Because you have done this thing…I will bless you.”
God said to Abraham, “Because you…have not withheld…your only son…I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven” (Genesis 22:16-17). Isaac was the lifelong dream of a barren woman named Sarah and an impotent man named Abraham. But the more God blesses you, the harder it is to keep that blessing from become an idol in your life.
Money may be the best example. The more money you make, the harder it is to trust Almighty God and the easier it is to trust the almighty dollar. Isn’t it ironic that “In God we trust” is printed on the dollar – the thing we often find most difficult to trust God with? If you’re financially blessed, it is a gift from God (Deuteronomy 8:18). But God doesn’t financially bless us so that we can use it selfishly. He blesses us more, so that we can be more of a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2).
The truth is, what you’re willing to walk away from determines what God is willing to entrust to you. He wants you to come to the place where you find your identity in Whose you are, rather than who you are. You can base your identity on a thousand things – the degrees you’ve earned, the positions you hold, the salary you make, etc. But if you base your identity on anything temporal, your identity is a house of cards. There’s only one solid foundation: Jesus Christ.
So, what’s getting between you and God? What feeds your ego? Where do you find your security outside of Christ? That’s what you need yo put on the altar today.
© 2018 CE