Children's Ministry

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Perfect Praise Children’s Ministry
Building up Our Future
Our aim is to build God’s children for the future. We have implemented the W.I.L.D. the mission which means we are Working, Inspiring, Leading, and Directing our children towards a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As a church, we have a responsibility to lead children in the ways of the Lord. There is a great need for children to be taught valuable lessons that will help them sustain in life (Isaiah 54:13). We desire to instill values that will help them grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We must impart godly wisdom even at a young age (Luke 2:52). As our world continues to change, we will challenge ourselves to maintain biblical standards and preserve traditional values. We will provide programs and activities that will teach them about honor, respect, and dignity which will help them with their self-worth of knowing who they are in Christ. We are dedicated to setting our children up for spiritual success and not spiritual duress. Join us as we build up our future.
Children’s Ministry serves ages 1 – 5 yrs.
We open our doors at 8:45 a.m.and 10:45 a.m. to receive your children at The Clarice Jones Educational Building
Parent Connection
These commandments I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk to them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
Parents have a great ministry called “parenting.” Any effective ministry to children will address the needs of parents or whoever is the primary caregiver of the children. Addressing the needs means equipping them to be better, godly parents. “Parents have more influence than anyone else on their children’s faith.” A study by George Barna reveals that a majority of parents say that they are struggling to create a type of spiritual relationship that they desire. These parents admit that their church is trying to provide them with useful information on parenting, but something is still missing. As a church how will we bridge that gap? Continue to offer training and support we must seek to develop strong and godly families. We will provide tools that are efficient and effective for parents to connect with their child. (I.e. family meet and greets, parenting classes and accountability). But as we address several solutions, we need to first know that every time a child comes to church, for whatever reason, by whatever means, we have great opportunity to build God’s love into that young life forever.
How do I get connected?
You don’t have to be an expert. Each member of our children’s ministry team has one thing in common: a passion for children. You do not need a degree in early childhood development or elementary education to be a great leader, teacher or volunteer. We support you in this ministry by offering monthly enrichment training which is designed to encourage, equip, energize and empower you for ministry. You will not be a lone ranger in your ministry to children.
There are many different opportunities to serve and with continual growth here at our church there will always be a need for volunteers, whether it’s greeting families, holding babies, telling Bible stories, singing songs or assisting in the classroom, there is a place for YOU in children’s ministry.
We value your time! You can successfully minister to children with minimal time commitment. In just an hour and a half each week either on Wednesdays or Sundays, even different events you will be able to form relationships with children and parents to communicate the love of Jesus. Not convinced that you will make a difference? Children are a blessing from the Lord and whatever you do for the Lord will last.
If you are interested in serving in Children’s Ministry, complete the initial form below:

“Come and join us as we teach our children the Word of God on their level so they can understand it.”
Jaime Holman
Children’s Ministry Director
(832) 250-8639
Our Vision
We exist to work in partnership with parents in the spiritual nurturing and growing of their children. Our goal is for every child to have a firm foundation in the knowledge of God’s Word and experience God’s Love. We believe this foundation will serve as the basis for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of God’s plan in the life of a growing child.
Our Purpose
Children’s Ministry is here to partner with children and families by connecting them to Christ through worship, fellowship, discipleship and outreach. Jesus is never too busy for His children and He tells us in His word not to harm them or hinder them from coming to Him. Our goal is that the Good News of Jesus Christ becomes imprinted on the hearts of every young person so that they may continue to spread the Gospel of our Savior and grow up to be a new generation of faithful believers.