2 Samuel 23:1 reads, “These are the last words of David.”
Someday we will all die and our last words are often considered some of our most important. The question is: have you lived to your highest potential and fulfilled God’s purpose for your life? The Bible says, “These are the last words of David.” What will he tell us? His story is a checkerboard of good and bad, profit and loss, victory and defeat.
During David’s lifetime his son raped his daughter, one son killed another, his wife turned her back on him, his friends betrayed him and took his kingdom, his mentor tried to kill him, his family rejected him and he spent a lot of time hiding out in caves.
Now David speaks to us one last time. Will he talk about Goliath? Or Saul? Or Bathsheba? No. “David, the man who was raised up so high…the man anointed by the God of Jacob…the sweet psalmist of Israel, [said], ‘The Spirit of the Lord speaks through me; his words are upon my tongue. The God is Israel spoke.
The Rock of Israel said to me: The one who rules righteously…in the fear of God, is like the light of morning at sunrise…a morning without clouds…the gleaming of the sun on new grass after rain. Is it not my family God has chosen? Yes, he has made an everlasting covenant with me. His arrangement is arranged and guaranteed in every detail. He will ensure my safety and success” (2 Samuel 23:1-5).
Why are these words recorded in Scripture? For the benefit of those of us, like David, who are less than perfect but whose hearts never cease to follow God.
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