Deuteronomy 6:6-7 reads, “Memorize his laws and tell them to your children over and over.”
It’s not easy being a Christian parent in a world where peer pressure feels as if it’s crushing down on you at a million pounds per square inch; where values are at an all-time low and immorality at an all-time high. But with God’s help you can do it! To lead your children to Christ, do these 5 things:
1) Begin when they’re young, and read Bible stories to them each night. Let them hear you pray for them to know Jesus personally, constantly thanking Him for dying for their sins.
2) As you take them to church, explain what the various rituals and seasons (baptism, the Lord’s Supper, Easter, and Christmas) represent, and why they’re observed and celebrated.
3) Be sensitive to every spiritual question they ask, and take the time to answer their questions in a way they can understand.
4) Have them watch Christian movies and cartoons that will present Bible truths on their level.
5) Trust the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom at the right time to present the gospel to them, and pray for their salvation continuously.
On one occasion, D.L. Moody reported “two and one-half conversions” at a service he conducted. Someone said, “I suppose you mean 2 adults and 1 child.” “No,” Mr. Moody replied. “I mean 2 children and 1 adult. The children can give their whole lives to God, but an adult only has half a life left to give.” And remember, the things we learn best are the things we hear the most. So: “Memorize his laws and tell them to your children over and over.”
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