Psalm 119:165 reads, “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.”
Are you easily upset? Even over little things? Spend more time praying and reading your Bible. The following article turned up in a newspaper:
“A lady took my seat in church. She’s very nice…a good friend, in fact. I can sit anyplace; no big deal. My seat is on the right as you enter the sanctuary. I can rest my arm on the end. it’s a good seat, but I wouldn’t raise a fuss about a seat…never hold a grudge.
Actually, it was three months ago she took it and I really don’t know why. I’ve never done anything to her…never taken her seat. I suppose I’ll have to come an hour early to get my seat. She took it because it’s one of the best seats in the house. She’d no business taking it…and I’m not going to church two hours early to get what’s rightfully mine.
This is the way social injustices begin – abusive people taking other people’s seats. It’s the way seeds of revolution are sown. A person can only stand so much. Where’s it all going to end? If somebody doesn’t stand up and be counted, nobody’s seat will be safe. People will sit anywhere they please, and next time they’ll take my parking place. World order will be in a shambles!”
We smile, but it’s amazing how quickly we get bent out of shape when our little routine is disrupted. Do you know why the Christian life is described as “the high calling” (Philippians 3:14)? Because it means taking the high road and serving others, rather than taking the low road and putting ourselves first.
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