John 11:25-26 reads, “I am the resurrection and the life. Everyone who believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this?”
We struggle with the idea of our own mortality. It’s said that Florence Nightingale feared death so much, after the Crimean War she went to bed and basically stayed there until she died in 1910. Chuck Swindoll says we skirt the subject by using:
1) Humor. Making a joke of it keeps death at a safe distance so we never have to face reality.
2) Denial. King Louis XIV of France wouldn’t allow the word ‘death’ to be uttered in his presence. But on September 1,1715, he discovered that death can’t be wished out of existence. People spend so much on anti-aging creams, Botox, and plastic surgery to avoid seeing evidence of death’s approach.
3) Romanticism. A man in Europe built a special room where he can live with his dead wife. His bed is next to her casket. He decorated the room with flowers and candles. He writes her poetry every day in a romantic attempt to avoid the pain of her passing.
4) Fear. Observe fellow passengers on an airplane when turbulence causes sudden drops and vibrations. Young and old alike scream and cry out.”
The good news is you don’t have to fear death! The One who defeated it said, “Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19). When you repent and commit your life to Christ, you have His personal guarantee of eternal life.
After Lazarus died, Jesus told his sister Martha: “I am the resurrection and the life. Everyone who believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this?” If you do, you’ll live forever with Christ.
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