Ephesians 1:3 reads, “God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.”
Farmer Brown lived during the Great Depression, and he was having trouble keeping up the mortgage payments on his farm. Eventually the bank gave him 30 days to catch up on his back payments or face foreclosure.
Then something wonderful happened. A man from an oil company showed up on his doorstep, asking for a lease to drill for oil on his land. Since he was going to lose the farm anyway, Farmer Brown decided that it couldn’t hurt. Well, that oil company drilled and hit a gusher – 82,000 barrels of oil a day.
Immediately Farmer Brown became a millionaire many times over. Now, here’s the question – when did he become a millionaire? Was it when oil was discovered on his farm, or when he first bought the land? He was a millionaire the moment he purchased the farm, but he lived in poverty because he didn’t know what was under his feet and within his reach.
The Bible says God “has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.” Some people think the only thing God will do for you is bless you with salvation, then He lets you struggle through the rest of your life until you get to Heaven.
As long as you believe that, you’re living in your own spiritual version of the Great Depression. You’re living spiritually poor, spiritually weak, and spiritually deprived because you don’t know what’s available to you in Christ or how to access it and appropriate it in your life. Refuse to live that way. Instead, read your Bible and begin to claim God’s promises in every area of your life.
© 2017 CE