Philippians 3:13 reads, “Forgetting those things which are behind…[reach] forward to those things which are ahead.”
Whatever your past may have been, God has a better future in mind for you. But before you can “reach” for it, you must forgive the people who’ve hurt you, forgive yourself, and let it go. When you do that, you’ll likely experience a wide range of emotions. You may feel angry and think life is unfair and it isn’t what you wanted. You always envisioned a husband or wife who’d be there to take care of you. You never expected to have to take responsibility for life on your own.
You may feel fearful, afraid you won’t be able to handle life – and that if you fail you’ll only have yourself to blame. You may feel annoyed that now you have your life in a different light and from a different perspective. You may even feel sad over the way you’ve blamed others in the past, knowing deep down inside that your life wasn’t proceeding the way you wanted because of your own choices and decisions. You may feel ashamed of your past mistakes, unsure if you really can take personal responsibility and move forward.
Whatever emotion comes up, good or bad, know that it’s normal when you’re making a significant life change. And however you feel, don’t judge yourself! Acknowledge what you’re feeling; ask yourself if your thoughts are rational or if they’re just old fears talking to you. Then stick to your commitment to stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own life. The word for you today is: “Forgetting those things which are behind…[reach] forward to those things which are ahead.”
© 2018 CE