God’s Remedy for Stress

God’s Remedy for Stress

1 Peter 5:7 reads, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”   Are you feeling stressed? Is your mind besieged with worries? If so, God wants to relieve your stress. Read the following Scriptures slowly and prayerfully: “I will take...
God’s Remedy for Stress

Be Careful Whom You Confide In

Proverbs 11:13 reads, “Those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.”   If you need help with a problem in your personal life, your family, or your career, keep the following things in mind:   1) Bad news is often remembered longer than good news. Long...
God’s Remedy for Stress

Shame-Based Thinking (Pt. II)

James 1:22 reads, “Do not merely listen to the word…Do what it says.”   Shame grows in the dark, but once you expose it to the light of God’s Word, it loses its grip on you. Feelings can be so fickle. And often they’re triggered by...
God’s Remedy for Stress

Shame-Based Thinking

Romans 12:2 reads, “Let God change the way you think.”   When you’ve been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused, it undermines your self-worth. You think, “If someone did that to me, there must be something wrong with me.” You feel...
God’s Remedy for Stress

Protect Your Home

Genesis 2:15 reads, “The Lord…took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to…
keep it.”   The Bible says God put Adam into the garden “to work it and take care of it”. So even when you have a great home environment, you’ve...