May 5, 2017 | Daily Devotional
Mark 6:31 reads, “Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest.” The Bible says, “The length of our days is seventy years – or eighty” (Psalm 90:10). If you’re blessed to live that long you’ll typically spend an average...
May 4, 2017 | Daily Devotional
Matthew 12:20 reads, “A bruised reed he will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.” Aren’t you glad that God is a mender and not a discarder? With Him, broken lives don’t have to be the end of the story. He’s often been...
May 3, 2017 | Daily Devotional
Colossians 3:14 reads, “Love ties everything completely together.” If you’re the kind of person who harbors grudges and holds on to past mistakes, even your own, you know what it feels like to be weighed down by mental junk. It’s hard for a...
May 2, 2017 | Daily Devotional
2 Timothy 1:6 reads, “Kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you.” Don’t let fear make you hide your talents and abilities. One Christian author says: “God expects us to make the most of what He gives us… to keep our hearts aflame,...
May 1, 2017 | Daily Devotional
Ephesians 4:16 reads, “Each part helps the other parts grow.” Paul writes: “As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body [church] is healthy and growing and full of love.” There are two kinds...