Mar 18, 2017 | Daily Devotional
1 Timothy 5:17 reads, “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor.” To be a spiritual leader worth following: 1) You must be accountable to someone. Someone who knows you well enough to pray with you, strengthen you in your...
Mar 17, 2017 | Daily Devotional
1 Kings 17:7 reads, “The brook dried up.” The Psalmist wrote, “Joyful are those whose hope is in the Lord their God” (Psalm 146:5). One author writes: “Sometimes when there’s not enough money to make ends meet, people tell us to...
Mar 16, 2017 | Daily Devotional
Psalm 34:14 reads, “Search for peace, and work to maintain it.” You can maintain a peaceful state of mind wherever you go and whatever you do. “How is that possible?” you ask. The Bible says, “Search for peace, and work to maintain...
Mar 15, 2017 | Daily Devotional
John 4:7 reads, “A woman of Samaria came to draw water.” One day Jesus met a woman who’d come to draw water from a well. After five failed marriages, her trust in men was zero – and her self-esteem was minus zero! But after her encounter with...
Mar 14, 2017 | Daily Devotional
Judges 16:22 reads, “The hair of his head began to grow again.” When we think of Samson we usually think about his failures-the steamy story of him and Delilah. It’s true that Samson lost everything: his hair, his strength, his sight, his...